A lot of people assume that to be successful within the dramatic and creativeindustries, you have to be multi-talented.Walk up on stage with your legsbehind your head, singing “I Feel Pretty” whilst somehow managing to tap dancewith your remaining limbs and automatically you’re suited for a job in theatre,the lead role in Les Miserables or the perfect person for that new musical thateveryone’s talking about.Equally, many people truly believe that to be a famouscritic featuring in every literary magazine in Britain you have to have a brainlike a thesaurus and to have read everything from Roald Dahl to Nietzsche.
In my eyes, these are positive achievements that will aid you, definitely;but to really achieve something within any industry, creative or otherwise, youneed to work at it with everything you’ve got.You don’t have to be a walkingdictionary or a ballet dancing prima donna to be what you want to be; you haveto be dedicated.That was how I decided to do Expressive Arts at GCSE and Dramaand Theatre Studies at A2 Level; I knew that if I kept it at hobby level andtook a relaxed attitude towards it, I would never get anywhere.I worked hardand got the best grades that I could: no one could ask more of me, and I didn’texpect them to.My hobbies consisted of singing, tap dancing, acting, creativewriting and generally anything that could be construed as creative.It was neverenough however, hence why the subjects were perfect for me.I liked seeingresults for my passions, and I still feel that way now.
I’ve been doing tap dancing for a year now, and I get a huge satisfaction outof it; whenever I feel any strong emotion that I think will overwhelm me, I justwalk into a little practice room and tap dance to my hearts content.It’sincredibly important for me to have an outlet, and tap dancing is just that.I’mnot the stereotypical dancer, I don’t eat all the right food and I’m certainlynot the shape of a dancer, but I work extremely hard to keep up.I love acting;transforming into someone else simply because I can, and most importantlybecause I want to is amazing, predominantly because of the variation.I oftenfind myself doing this around the house or walking home; I begin creating acharacter in my mind, thinking of their given circumstances, how I can transformthem into a three-dimensional character in front of me.It makes me feel safeyet exhilarated to know that I have that much control over myself to be able todo that, and then return to being myself two minutes later.Joining the MedwayLittle Theatre in January will allow me to develop and hone it to become askill.
Singing is another enthusiasm of mine; it always creates a smile, no matterwhat.I’ve been part of the Kent Choirs for 6 years; I left last year so that Icould concentrate on my A2 Levels fully, though I do wish to return once I’vesettled down at University.It’s always nice to have somewhere familiar to goback to amongst so many new changes.My love for creative writing also beganwith my love for singing, writing lyrics and music for myself – this soon grew,and I have found that my writing has improved heavily over the years throughfiction, auto-biography and poetry, and now want to take this even further,whether academically or within my own spare time.
I took a year out of studying so that I could decipher what I really wantedout of my life; once I had left Sixth Form, I imagined that I would be happymaking money and drifting calmly through life… and have come to realise how verywrong I was! I miss the vigour and excitement of learning something new, ofreading new literature and drowning quite happily in debates about Shakespeare.It is now that I long to return to what I once loved and worked hard at, and itis now that I’m grasping my opportunities with both hands.Challenges,variation, passion, hard work and dedication are all things that are clamouringto be back into my vocabulary; this is where it starts.