recently, the liberal education project at zhongshan university has attracted great attention. the 35 freshmen taking part in this project will follow a general curriculum providing broad learning in multiple disciplines rather than the usual in depth study of one particular major. they may benefit a great deal by broadening their knowledge, but will they lose out when it comes to job hunting in four years’ time? give your opinion about this liberal education project.
honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen! i’m happy to have the chance to speak here. i would like to share my opinion with you on the topic “the liberal education project at zhongshan university.”
recently, this liberal education project has attracted great attention all over china. some people believe the project will benefit the students involved greatly. however, others raise their eyebrows because they fear that the students will lose out in the job market. in my opinion, this project should be regarded as a blessing rather than a curse. there are tow arguments i would like to make to support my point of view.
firstly, attending the project, the students lay a solid foundation for their further study and research. as the chinese saying goes “there is no separation among liberal arts, history and philosophy.” only when students comprehensively study all three subjects, could they obtain a solid foundation for their future accomplishments in the study of human science. i remember, one of my friends majored in liberal arts and minored in history as an undergraduate student. however, after four year’s study, he found he was especially interested in medieval history, which he specialized in later for his master’s degree. recently, he confided to me that he feels he is at a disadvantage in pursuing his further studies because he has not studied philosophy as an undergraduate student and philosophy, particularly historical materialism is one of the key tools for analyzing past events. therefore i believe, as dose he, that if he had taken part in this project, he would have benefited enormously.
secondly, the project provides the students with an edge for competing in the job market. nowadays, to be recruited by a well-known company, university students have to pass many rounds of tests and interviews, which aim at testing students’ all-round abilities. therefore, i firmly believe, the students, who have extensively studied liberal arts, history and philosophy, will stand out in the tests and attract the attention of any employer. in the modern world, companies need their employees to be versatile, to keep pace with the rapid change of business. so, with their interdisciplinary educational background, the graduates from the project will soon become extremely competent employees capable of tackling any issue that may occur in ……此处隐藏5703个字……谚语、格言、诗句等作为结尾,不仅使语言表达得精炼、生动、富有节奏和韵律,而且还可以使演讲的内容丰富充实,具有启发性并增加感召力。第十三届全国英语演讲比赛第六名孙怡在演讲“share with us your understanding of‘either you’re somebody or youain’t nobody”’时这样结尾“1 want to end my speech with one of michaeljordan’s famous words.it s not how hard you push yourselfor your way;it'8something in you.you think you have to finish it.”用名言式结尾,能给演讲者的思想提供有力的证明增加演讲的可信度,显得更加优美、含蓄,睿智大气,具有较强的说服力和鼓舞作用。
以问句结尾有两种表现形式,一是提出问题引人深思,二是以反问的方式作总结。第九届全国英语演讲比赛冠军洪哗在演讲“should therebe limits on how we display our love in public?what do you think is the bestway to expreyour feelings in public?”时这样结尾:“and the best scene inmy mind to show our love in public,is that we lay on the graland in mycampus,and i read a part of jane eyre to him,and he read a part of olivertwist to me.don’t you think it is a romantic scene for the young lovers toshow their love to each other?”
第七届全国英语演讲比赛“最具潜力选手奖”获得者张勇被问及“should cohege students be allowed to get married?”时,这样答道:“thankyou for your question and i think it’s really a good question to show how fast the society is developing.istill remember that last year the contestant number twenty-four,also today’shost,were asked about a question that what qualities you look for in aboyfriend.and only a year later here iⅲasked:should college students beallowed to get married?i think the society is really developing.”他的随机应变带来的幽默博得了阵阵掌声与笑声。
演讲者必须积累一定的词汇量,这样就不会在拿到即兴演讲题目之后因为不认识其中某个单词而导致全军覆没,或者在反复表达同一个内容上由于词汇贫乏而使用同一个单词,使人产生厌倦的感觉。例如形容一个人生气、愤怒,避免重复使用angry,可以用be pissed off,beburned up等词来替换。又如在表达“喜欢”的时候,可以用be keen on,be into,be mad about,be passionate about,be fond of,be partial to等来替换like和love.其次,还要积累各个方面的相关词汇。例如:当谈到环境问题,可能会用到土流失、沙漠化、排放物、可持续发展等等,这就需要掌握它们的英语表达(water loand soil erosion,desertification,emission,sustainable development)。谈到如何解决交通问题时,高架桥、地铁、轻轨、行人、交通规则、遵守、高峰时间等这些词汇也是必不可少的(viaduct,metro,light rail,pedestrian,traffic regulation,abide by,rush hour)。再次,背诵一些实用的句型。在“表达越来越多的人意识到..时”,可以采用“thereis agrowing awarenessthat.”这比起我们常用的“moreand more people realize that.”要好的多。此外,谚语和格言的积累也是十分必要的。学生如果能够每天记忆三两句谚语,长期坚持,烂熟于胸,定能由量变上升到质变,在特定的语言环境中会脱口而出,收到贴切、生动、幽默、风趣等意想不到的语言效果。