![A letter of thanks[此文共218字]](https://img.hxli.com/upload/9814.jpg)
first of All, i’d like to express my sincere grAtitude to my AcAdemic supervisor, professor rAo zhenhui, for his vAluAble Advice, guidAnce And constructive comments throughout the development of this thesis And for mAking AvAilAble to me the relevAnt books And mAteriAls. his religious devotion to study And reseArch hAs greAtly impressed me And will definitely hAve A permAnent effect on my future life And study。
i would like to tAke this opportunity to express heArtfelt grAtitude to All the teAchers who hAve tAught me And helped me during the yeArs of my study in jiAngxi normAl university. they Are prof. li yongzhong, prof. mu shixiong, prof. yu fubing, prof. lin yuewu, prof. liu chunyAn, prof. xiAo huAfeng, prof. hu zhuqing, prof. dAi hAiqi, prof. he qizong, etc. for their inspiring lectures during my stAy in foreignlAnguAges college, jiAngxi normAl university. it wAs their greAt lectures thAt gAve me enlightenment And provided me with A new perspective from which i could do this reseArch.
i’m very grAteful to miss fu xiAofAng, who contributed A lot to the dAtA collection. sincere thAnks should Also be extended to All those efl instructors And students in nAnchAng no. 1 high school, who pArticipAted in the reseArch And offered me their kind cooperAtion in my investigAtion.
thAnks Also go to miss huAng yAn for her AssistAnce with stAtisticAl AnAlysis of the dAtA, And for her excellent And knowledgeAble work in the cooperAtion of the reseArch project "A study report of vocAbulAry leArning strAtegies in A vocAtionAlcollege".
thAnks Are Also given to All my clAssmAtes who helped me with the prepArAtions of my thesis in one wAy And Another. speciAl thAnks should be extended to my wife And my dAughter, whose continuous encourAgement And support mAde it possible for me to complete this thesis. i’m Also grAteful to them for their cAre And AttendAnce for my dAily life.
finAlly, i’d like to express my sincere thAnks in AdvAnce to All the professors And experts of the orAl defense committee, whose enlightening questions will definitely be of greAt help for me to go on with further studies on lAnguAge leAning strAtegies used in schools.
thAnk you AgAin.
第二篇:A letter of thAnks
【新年新礼物】圣诞礼物christmAs gifts ---touching moment!
A letter of thAnks!
A thAnk-you note!A thAnk-you letter!
九年级(5)班:杨敏郑润刀丽梅罗应春童云芬王庆梅高永生罗如爱陶冬琳刘界鱼 (共10人)
christmAs eve is coming! i hope All the people who cAre About me And support me Are sAfe And peAceful.
christmAs dAy Are coming! i hAve received A lot of presents from my deArest students. i Am deeply moved! i Am greAtly touched! And mAny short messAges with best wishes reAched me during this festivAl. i Am extremely grAteful to All my students for their gifts. i
will tAke pride in your success At school.
of course, i Am sure to be proud of you. thAt night, i Am too moved to fAll Asleep. i sweAr thAt i Am sure to teAch you cArefully. i believe you will be deeply touched by my spirit. i Am sure thAt you will be proud of your english teAcher---dAi zongguo! of course, i Am sure to tAke pride in you All. i sincerely wish you to remember the four sentences: never let yourself down! never let your pArents down! never let your school down! never your country down!
it is very importAnt to dreAm, so hold on to your dreAms, one dAy they mAy just come true. if you study hArd, you will get good grAdes. if you continue studying hArd, you will be sure to succeed. certAinly, the most importAnt word is perseverAnce. becAuse All of you believe thAt perseverAnce meAns victory.
i hAve A deep love for you All. i wish thAt we cherish the deep friendship between us eAch other.
第三篇:A letter of thAnks (感谢信)
A letter of thAnks
deAr my friends And teAchers,
i’m sincerely AppreciAte your visits when i wAs in the hospitAl.during my stAy At the hospitAl,pessimism And depression occupied my mind.to mAke mAtters worse, i wAs so worried About my condition thAt i couldn’t sleep well every night.thAnks to your visits ,i cAn brAvely fAce up to reAlity And i become more optimistic.
recently, i tAke medicine on time And Accept treAtment Actively. under the help of the ArchiAter,i recover from the operAtion soon.fortunAtely,i will dischArge from hospitAl in the neAr future.when i wAs told thAt messAge,i feel excited.l expect to come bAck to school And hope you cAn help me review the course.
thAnks AgAin And see you lAter. All the best.
第四篇:writing A letter of thAnks
writing A letter of thAnks
pAtterns often used:
thAnk for…
thAnk you very much for …
i Am so grAteful to you for …
it wAs so kind of /generous of you to…
mAny thAnks to you for …
we Are indebted to you …
i would like to express my grAtitude, Along with my very best wishes.
i very much AppreciAted your hospitAlity And Also thoroughly enjoyed the three very interesting colorful films which were shown to us. now i would like to express my thAnks for your wArm hospitAlity with (nAme of A gift) thAt you will shortly receive.
exAmple one
deAr first nAme, (or mr. / ms. lAst nAme if you don’t know them well)thAnk you for All the help you hAve given me with my job seArch.
i especiAlly AppreciAte the informAtion And Advice you hAve provided, And the contActs you hAve shAred with me.
your AssistAnce hAs been invAluAble to me during this progress.AgAin, thAnk you so much. i greAtly AppreciAte your generosity.best regArds,
( your nAme)
exAmple two
deAr mr. x,
i must write And thAnk you for your kindness to me personAlly on my visit to your university eArlier this month. i Am very grAteful for the time you spent Answering my somewhAt persistent questions, And the trouble you hAd tAken to mAke my stAy in your university As interesting As possible.
in fAct, i cAn Assure you those two dAys were the highlight of my trip to your country.
yours very sincerely,
( your nAme)
exAmple three
deAr chen jiAngping,
i’m writing to thAnk you for those two wonderful dAys in beijing. i will AlwAys remember this visit. before i Arrived, i wAs A little Anxious. i didn’t know whAt to expect. but i hAd no need to worry. you gAve me A wArm welcome And i soon felt At home. i will never forget your kindness And hospi(请收藏好 范 文,请便下次访问wWW.)tAlity. And thAnk you Also , for ArrAnging so mAny interesting things. the visits to the greAt wAll, the imperiAl pAlAce And summer pAlAce were unforgettAble. it wAs very kind of you to do All this for me
And i AppreciAte it more thAn i sAy.
yours sincerely,(your nAme )
第五篇:英文感谢信A letter of thAnks
deAr lin yi,
i would like to sincerely thAnk you for the time thAt you spent with me lAst thursdAy, briefing me on your compAny's bAckground And operAtions, And interviewing me for the position of AdministrAtive AssistAnt.
the interview wAs quite A pleAsAnt experience for me, And i hope you hAd the sAme feeling As i did. now thAt i hAve met you And some of your colleAgues, And hAve leArned more About the Activities of your compAny, i Am even more excited About the possibility of working with you And your teAm thAn i wAs before the interview. i feel thAt my skills And Abilities mAke me suitAble for the job, And thAt i will definitely be A vAluAble Addition to your compAny.
if you hAve Any follow-up questions, pleAse don't hesitAte to cAll me At 15820140808 or send me An e-mAil At xxxx@xxx.com.cn. i Am looking forwArd to heAring from you in the neAr future.
A letter of thAnks (英文感谢信)
letter of thAnks
letter of thAnks
letter of thAnks
letter of thAnks